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Hands & Hearts

Hands & Hearts

An invitation to exhale. 

A 2 hour (trauma informed) experience that combines Yin, Massage Therapy and Yoga Nidra to hold space for deep rest and introspection. 

Yin is an unhurried style of yoga that allows you to linger in postures and melt into the boundaries of your body and mind. To help you find presence and explore the depth of the postures I offer hands on adjustments and massage with the practice. We end the experience with blissful savasana massage and Yoga Nidra. In a world that tells you to do more, do less. 

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A New Author On The Block

So WHO is Sarah-Anne?

Honestly I’m still figuring that out. But here’s what I do know: I am a Anishinaabe/Metis woman who is also of settler decent. I am closest to my “highest”, “truest” self when I am in nature hiking or gathering medicine, moving my body through yoga, cycling, swimming or running and when I’m creating art in the kitchen, with a paint brush or my words. But at my core of cores, I am a Mama.